Rainbow Des

This is Rainbow Des.

Rainbow because a rainbow baby is what you call a baby born after a loss/infertility. The rainbow after the storm. My light after the darkness. That is Des 🙂

He is 20 21 22! months old and such an amazing little person! He’s a HUGE personality in a pint-sized package. A firecracker! 😀

Some of his interests are-

His Big Brothers who are 11. Pretty much the most awesome people in the world in Desmond’s opinion!

Eating! Both his nursins and a wide range of delicious foods.

BOOKS! (of course ;))

Exploring the world, especially the outdoors.

Night sky gazing. He is obsessed with the moon and stars, and can point out all sorts of celestial wonders in his books.

Climbing. He is a master of most playground equipment already!

Swimming. The boy loves the lake!

Playing!! Cars are a huge favorite lately. Puzzles, shape sorting, blocks, balls, matching games, opening and closing every type of container in the universe…

Drawing and coloring.

Music and dancing. He likes everything, but dubstep (one of his Big Brother’s favorites) always gets him moving.

Balloons. Latex, mylar, hot air. They’re all amazing to him!

Being incredibly sweet and charming and hilarious ❤

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